Monday, May 19, 2014

Check in! (Updated)

Ahhhhhh the day has finally come! Check in day! I am so happy to be here this is a dream come true! I am living with 3 other in the commons 2 bedroom and praise the lord we have a washer and dryer! I am working at Port Orleans in full service food and beverage. Man my costume is gonna be fierce! It has been one hell of a day but I am so excited for this journey to start! 

Once again I cant thank my parents enough! Without their help and support I would not be here xoxoxoxoxox

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Graduation cap!

Finished my cap today!!!! 


3 days until hospitality graduation, 4 days until commencement, 5 days until I move to Florida, and 6 days until I officially begin my program! 

I guess you could say I'm freaking out!!!!!!  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Its not goodbye, but see ya later

Randolph loving

In the midst of all the craziness the past few days I havent blogged enough lol

Being home is the greatest and it is going to be so hard leaving my family for the summer and missing so much. But they do know that this is an incredible opportunity and are so proud of me. Without them I would be nowhere. 

This is the cake my parents got me at my going away dinner last night!!! 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Graduation Ears!

Got home from school last night and was surpised with a gift from my parents! I was so shocked and surprised! Isnt it cute?! Thanks parents! Two weeks til I walk at unh and i couldnt be more excited and sad...I have to graduate still but first lemme take a selfie ;)