Monday, August 25, 2014


Not about this blogging life. Having too much fun :) plus no one reads it so who cares hahah baiiiii

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams RIP

I can't even believe that Robin Williams is dead. He was an amazing actor and an inspiration for many. I found out the news at work and could not comprehend it all. Im going to see wishes tonight in honor of him as Genie and I will probably cry. The academy had the greatest tweet for him. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Favorite moments so far!

These are just some of my favorite moments in pictures since we arrived! 

Getting my name tag
Be our guest for dinner
Royal breakfast in Norway
First time at Hogwarts and Diagon Alley
Fourth of July in Epcot
Dina's 21st
Shake Shack opening
Daytona with the girls
Yoo Hoo big summer blowout 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Magical Moment!

One night (8/9) I had one of the best guest relation moment!!! A girl came up to me and started telling me about her pressed penny collection. Her mom had bought her a new book for them and she was so excited! We happened to have extra in our drawer. I asked if she liked the movie walle and she said yes. So i gave her the walle penny we had. She was so happy and so greatful for it. Her dad also thanked me like 12 times. He was so happy for her that she got it and that I was able to make her day. It really was nothing but to them it was everything. It was so great to see such a small gesture made such an impact on a guest!!! 

The next night (8/10) the same family came into the restaurant. I noticed them and the girl and I got to talking. Before seating them I put another pressed penny into my pocket and gave it to her at the table. She was so sweet and was open to talking to me about anything. A while later she cane up to the podium and handed me something (see picture). It really made me feel special and that something so small made her feel special too. I couldnt stop smiling for the longest time because she was the cutest little girl. It was an amazing experience over all. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

The first few months

Now that the fall arrivals are here, I should probably update y'all on my time here. Yeah I have to say y'all now thanks to working in Port Orleans! 

We started with four, lost one and then gained two more. It is what it is. 
Personally I don't like living in CP housing but it will do for now. 

I love my job!!!! As of right now I am the only CP and I love it. Everyone is amazing at boatwrights and it really is a great place to start my disney career. Every day something new happens and it makes my days that much more exciting. Its weird being the youngest person there and kind of makes me feel left out butttt at the same time it makes me feel really special 💗

I really dont feel like a CP but this experience has been amazing so far!