Saturday, August 9, 2014

Magical Moment!

One night (8/9) I had one of the best guest relation moment!!! A girl came up to me and started telling me about her pressed penny collection. Her mom had bought her a new book for them and she was so excited! We happened to have extra in our drawer. I asked if she liked the movie walle and she said yes. So i gave her the walle penny we had. She was so happy and so greatful for it. Her dad also thanked me like 12 times. He was so happy for her that she got it and that I was able to make her day. It really was nothing but to them it was everything. It was so great to see such a small gesture made such an impact on a guest!!! 

The next night (8/10) the same family came into the restaurant. I noticed them and the girl and I got to talking. Before seating them I put another pressed penny into my pocket and gave it to her at the table. She was so sweet and was open to talking to me about anything. A while later she cane up to the podium and handed me something (see picture). It really made me feel special and that something so small made her feel special too. I couldnt stop smiling for the longest time because she was the cutest little girl. It was an amazing experience over all. 

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