Friday, August 8, 2014

The first few months

Now that the fall arrivals are here, I should probably update y'all on my time here. Yeah I have to say y'all now thanks to working in Port Orleans! 

We started with four, lost one and then gained two more. It is what it is. 
Personally I don't like living in CP housing but it will do for now. 

I love my job!!!! As of right now I am the only CP and I love it. Everyone is amazing at boatwrights and it really is a great place to start my disney career. Every day something new happens and it makes my days that much more exciting. Its weird being the youngest person there and kind of makes me feel left out butttt at the same time it makes me feel really special 💗

I really dont feel like a CP but this experience has been amazing so far! 

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